Sometimes what you need is a good flush.

Sometimes what you need is a good flush. The body doesn’t always break down and flush what it should regularly, hence the bloating and discomfort in the tummy area  Pounds of waste build up stays in your system for an abnormal amount of time which can bring about lethargy , constipation , slowed metabolism , skin issues other health issues  Detoxing may help ease the build up and it will help flush toxins, waste and unwanted fat. Click here to order your CBD detox tea and NutraBurst to replenish and to join my team Visit WWW.TEAM810.COM Follow me on Instagram @jose_team810 to see more... Start your journey today 💥Transformations Disclaimer 💥 This product is not guaranteed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This product supports a healthy lifestyle. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary based on diet and exercise. We cannot and do not guarantee that you will attain a specific or particular result, and you except the risk that results differ fo

Good, Bad, and Trans Fats and the Health Risk They Pose

What many don't realize is that fats are essential for good health. The brain, for instance, is contains fat, but it is the good one and not that which can kill you. As people age they become more susceptible to weight gain and the large stomachs seen in many. The fat around their middle is from bad fats that usually come from things like sugar and trans fats.  (Check out the Red Tea Detox facts)

Alcohol is the same as sugar in its molecular component. In other words, sugar breaks down into the same structure as alcohol and this is why beer drinkers end up with what is described as a 'beer gut'. But that is not trans fat but the product of a normal digestive function whereby the 'sugar' overloads the liver and turns into fat.

In that case one may end up with a fatty liver and possibly pancreas leading to cancer of the organs. It also leads to diabetes and loss of limbs, eye-sight, and heart disease, among other things.

Then there are the trans-fats and these are normal fats that have undergone transformation due to heat. They take on extra molecules of hydrogen during the process and that makes them virtually indigestible by the liver so that they are laid around the vital organs.

The worst practice comes from super heated and oft heated oils. They are found in commercial ovens where deep fried fish and vegetables are produced. They are the in many of the snack foods people are addicted to while the warning that should accompany them is that they can lead to diseases, as described above, and even death.  (Check out the Fat Decimator)

Norma Holt has knowledge that enables her to understand many issues. Politics, health, social and behavioral problems are usually on her list for discussion as well as anything to do with the Spirit of the Universe and reincarnation, which she experienced. She is happy to hear from any of her readers.

Article Source:

Red Detox Facts - Start Today and lose body fat
Fat Decimator system


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